Textbook of Engineering Drawing, Second Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1

___ Projection of Solids 6.25

Problem: Draw the projecitons of a cylinder of base 30mm diameter and axis 45mm long

when it is resting with its base on HP and axis 20mm in front of v.P.

Construction (Fig.6.36)

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Fig. 6.36

  1. Draw the reference line xy and locate 0 at 20mm below it.

  2. With centre 0 and radius 15mm draw a circle forming the top view.

  3. O?l:am the front view by projection, keeping the height equal to 45mm and the base coinciding

Problem: A cylinder with base 40mm diameter and 50mm long rests on a point of its base

on HP such that the axis makes an angle of 30° with HP. Draw the projections of the
Construction (Fig.6.37)

Fig. 6.37
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