6.26 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing------------------
- Draw the projeciton of the cylinder assuming that the cylinder is resting with its base on
H.P. - Divide the circle into a number of equal parts and obtain the corresponding generators in the
front view. - Redraw the front view such that its ax.is makes 300 with xy. This is the final front view.
- Obtain the fmal top view by projection.
Problem: Draw the projections of a cylincder of 75mm diameter and lOOmm long lying on
the ground with its axis inclined at 300 to v.P. and parallel to the ground.
Construction (Fig.6.38)
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Fig. 6.38
- Draw the projeciton of the cylinder assuming that the cylinder is resting on H.P. with its axis
perpendicular to V.P - Redraw the top view such that its axis makes 300 with xy, This is the final top view.
- Obtain the final front view by projection.
Problem : A cylinder of base 30mm diameter and axis 45mm long is resting on a point of its
base on H.P so that the axis is inclined at 300 with H.P. Draw the projections of the cylinc{er
when the top view of the axis is inclined at 45° with xy.
Construction (Fig.6.39)
1. Draw the projection of the cylinder assuming it to be resting on its base on H.P.
- Redraw the front view so that the axis is inclined at 300 with xy.
- Obtain the top view by projection.
- Redraw the above view so that the top view of the axis is inclined at 45° with xy. This is the
fmal top view. - Obtain the front view by projection.