Textbook of Engineering Drawing, Second Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1

4.26 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing--------.,-..,...----------

Eccentricity e = VI FI / VI A = VI F2 / VIB
therefore VI F 2 -VIFI / VIB-VIA = FI F2/ V 1 V 2
From the triangle FI CO
OC = 40 mm (half of minor axis)
FIe = 60 mm (half of major axis)

Thus FlO =~602 -40^2 = 44.7mm

Hence Fl2 = 2FIO = 89.4 mm

on substitution e = 89.4 = 0.745Also,eccentricity e = VI V JAB, Hence, the distance between
120 -
the directrices AB = VIV /e = 161mm.

Problem : A fountain jet is dicharged from the ground level at an inclination of 45°. The jet

travels a horizontal distance of 10m from the point of discharge and falls on the ground.

'Trace the path of the jet.

Construction (Fig. 4.39)




Fig. 4.39

  1. Draw the base AB of 10m long and locate its mid-point C.

  2. Through C draw a line perpendicular to AB forming the axis.

  3. Through A and B, draw lines at 45°, to the base intersecting the axis at D.

  4. Divide AD and BD irtto the same number of equal parts and number the points as shown.

  5. Join 1-1' , 2-2' ,3-3' etc., forming the tangents to the required path of jet.

  6. A smooth curve passing through A and B and tangential to the above lines is the required
    path of the jet which is parabolic in shape..

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