Meus Orixas

(gabriel e alvarez) #1


Ć onta a lenda que Oba era intensamente apaixonada por
X̂́ ango e que ela era capaz de qualquer sacrifıcio para
conquistar seu amado. Tanto que cortou uma das orelhas,
incentivada por Oxun , e preparou um prato especial para
â gradar a Xango. Este, indignado com sua atitude, revolta-se
com as duas e as e transformou em dois rios que levam seus
n̂́ omes. Embora um tanto ingenuos, os filhos de Oba procuram
ñ ao se envolver muito com as pessoas com medo de se
d̃́ ecepcionar. Sao extremamente preocupados com a famılia e
c̀́ om seus filhos e as vezes se mostram um pouco antipaticos.
Ḿ esmo sendo capazes de qualquer sacrifıcio pela pessoa
ã mada, sao ciumentos e possessivos e adoram se sentir
protegido pelo seu par.

Pronounce: Oh-baah

Ĺ̂ egend has it that Oba was totally in love with Xango and that
she was capable of anything to win him over - to the point
that, encouraged by Oxun , she cut off one of her ears and
p̂ repared a special dish to please Xango. X̂ ango, however, was
totally outraged by the act and revolted against the pair of
them. Frightened, they turned into two rivers, which bare
their names up until today. Although somewhat
naive, children ó f Oba seek not to become too involved with
other people, afraid of being disappointed. They are
extremely concerned with their families and children, and can
even be a little obnoxious at times. Capable of any sacrifice
for the loved one, they are jealous and possessive; and above
all love to feel protected by their partners.

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