Mother Teresa: A Biography
healthy children. Though physically disabled children might find a home with European families, children with severe mental disa ...
way that the Missionaries of Charity could possibly care for every single one. Although abortion clinics were available, they we ...
leaving thousands of patients with no place to go. Mother Teresa had lob- bied hard against the closing, but growing pressure fr ...
rosy attacks the nervous system and destroys the body’s ability to feel pain. Without pain, people injured themselves without al ...
police also stayed away for fear of infection. As a result, crime was ram- pant and indiscriminate; violence and murder were eve ...
and stalls appeared in the area where once only crime and violence had flourished. But no sooner had the clinic opened than the ...
baskets, which are used in the nearby coal mines. There is even a printing press. Shantinagar also has its own local government ...
Chapter 8 THE GROWTH OF A MIRACLE By the late 1950s, Mother Teresa found herself becoming quite newsworthy, at least in Calcutta ...
prohibited new orders to open houses outside of the diocese. Initially, Mother Teresa realized that between the archbishop’s emp ...
page of an American magazine called Jubilee: A Magazine for the Church and Her Peoplein 1958, which introduced her at least to t ...
Democratic presidential candidate, John F. Kennedy, who was also Roman Catholic, did not take place. However, while in New York ...
a practice that would continue and later become a source of much criti- cism. As Mother Teresa later argued, making out separate ...
did not look kindly on a religious figure, particularly one becoming inter- nationally renowned. And then all too soon, it was t ...
In July 1965, the Missionaries of Charity opened their first home out- side India in Cocorote, Venezuela. Mother Teresa, accompa ...
Rome’s slums were also known for their distinctive architecture. Shelters known as barraca,a kind of barracks-like structure, sp ...
brothers were aligned with the Missionaries of Charity, under Church law Mother Teresa could not head a male congregation. She t ...
clinics and, in time, would take over the day-to-day work at the leprosy colony in Titlagarh. Like Mother Teresa’s own Missionar ...
mainly of young people interested in working with the Brothers for a few weeks or months. Some were interested in joining the or ...
blankets, and bandages that were collected door-to-door by British Co- Workers were sent to several countries in Asia. But Mothe ...
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