Mother Teresa: A Biography

(Nandana) #1


Queen Geraldine, 117
Queen Victoria, 23

Rae, Daphne, 117–18
Rathfarnham House, 15, 16, 32
Reagan, Ronald, 128
Red Cross, 109, 119
Rome, 95, 97, 106, 109, 123, 132,
136, 138
Roy, B.C., 80
Ryder, Sue, 75

Sacred Heart Parish, 6, 8, 9
St. Joseph’s Home, 39–40
St. Mary’s School, 18, 19, 20, 21,
27, 40, 42, 44, 45
Sakharov, Andrei, 113
Saunders, Cicely, 64, 113
Schweitzer, Albert, 115
Scripps Clinic and Research
Foundation, 123
Sebba, Ann, 75
Second Vatican Council, 60–62,
Sen, Dr., 85
Sepoy Revolt of 1857, 22, 23
Shantinagar, 88–89
Sheen, Fulton J. (Bishop), 94
Shishu Bhavan, 80–84, 89, 91, 99,
114, 133
Shiva, 68
Sicily, 2, 95, 97
Sisters of Sion, 63
Skau, Annie, 113
Skenderbeg, 1–2
Skopje, history of, 1, 4; Mother
Teresa’s visit to, 118; Roman
Catholics in, 6
Society of Jesus. SeeJesuits
Sodality of the Blessed Virgin, 21

Sodality of Children of Mary, 9,
11, 40
Somerset, E. John, 75
Something Beautiful for God,
103–5, 138 (documentary,
Muggeridge); 105 (book, Mug-
Soviet Union, 95, 120

Terzani, Anna, 138
Terzani, Folco, 138
Thatcher, Margaret, 121, 128
Timemagazine, 112–13
Titlagarh, 86–88, 100
Travers-Ball, Ian, SJ, disputes
with Mother Teresa, 100; lead-
ership of the Brothers of Char-
ity, 99, 100

Urban VIII (Pope), 14

Van Exem, Celeste, SJ, death of ,
132; spiritual advisor to Mother
Teresa, 25–26, 29–30, 32, 34,
37–40, 44
Vishnu, 68
Vlorë Proclamation, 4

Ward, Mary, charged with heresy,
14; death of, 14; founding of
Loreto Sisters, 13–14; papal
reinstatement, 14
Washington, D.C., 129, 133
World Child Welfare Fund, 82
World Health Organization, 94
World War I, 23
World War II, affect on India,
24–25; end of, 26

Zagreb, 11, 13, 118
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