Essentials of Ecology

(Darren Dugan) #1


marine reserves to protect ecosystems, and using community-
based integrated coastal management.
Concept 11-3 Sustaining marine fi sheries will require im-
proved monitoring of fi sh populations, cooperative fi sher-
ies management among communities and nations, reduction
of fi shing subsidies, and careful consumer choices in seafood
Concept 11-4 To maintain the ecological and economic
services of wetlands, we must maximize preservation of re-
maining wetlands and restoration of degraded and destroyed
Concept 11-5 Freshwater ecosystems are strongly affected by
human activities on adjacent lands, and protecting these ecosys-
tems must include protection of their watersheds.
Concept 11-6 Sustaining the world’s biodiversity and eco-
system services will require mapping terrestrial and aquatic
biodiversity, maximizing protection of undeveloped terrestrial
and aquatic areas, and carrying out ecological restoration projects

Concept 10-4 Sustaining biodiversity will require protecting
much more of the earth’s remaining undisturbed land area as
parks and nature reserves.

Concept 10-5A We can help to sustain biodiversity by identi-
fying severely threatened areas and protecting those with high
plant diversity (biodiversity hotspots) and those where ecosystem
services are being impaired.

Concept 10-5B Sustaining biodiversity will require a global ef-
fort to rehabilitate and restore damaged ecosystems.

Concept 10-5C Humans dominate most of the earth’s land, and
preserving biodiversity will require sharing as much of it as pos-
sible with other species.

CHAPTER 11 Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity

Concept 11-1 Aquatic species are threatened by habitat loss,
invasive species, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation,
all made worse by the growth of the human population.

Concept 11-2 We can help to sustain marine biodiversity by us-
ing laws and economic incentives to protect species, setting aside

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