Essentials of Ecology

(Darren Dugan) #1


Threshold level, 46
Throughputs (fl ows), in systems, 44
Tides, 168
Tilman, David, 91
Timber and wood trade, 220, 228b,228–30
Time delays, in systems, 46
Tipping point, 46, 119
Tolerance, 118
Tompkins, Douglas and Kris, 236
Toothed whales, 257, 258f
Top-down population regulation, 113, 114f
Top predator keystone species, 95
Total allowable catch (TAC), 264
Total fertility rate (TFR), 126
Trade-offs, 9, 21
Tragedy of the commons, 13
Transition generation, 24
Transition zone (surface water), 176
Transpiration, 65
Trawling, 251, 251f, 256
to protect marine species, 257
to protect wild species, 206–7
Tree farm, 216
Tree harvesting methods, 219f
Tree of life, 80, 81f
Tree plantation, 216 –17, 216f
Trophic levels, 61, 62, 62f
Tropical deserts, 148, 149f
Tropical forests, 153, 154f, 155 f, 156 f
deforestation of, 223–27, 224f, 225 f, 226 f
protecting from deforestation, 230–31
restoration in Costa Rica, 242b
Tropical grasslands, 150, 151f
Tropical rain forests, 153, 154f, 155 f, 156 f
disappearing, 50
Troposphere, 54
Tundra, 150, 151f, 152
Turtle excluder devices (TEDs), 260
Twain, Mark, 141

Ultraplankton, 164
Undergrazing, 232
U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP), 22
Uniform dispersion, populations and, 108, 109f
United Arab Emirates
per capita ecological footprint, 14

United States
biodiversity hotspots in, 241f
immigration and, 129–30, 129f
infant mortality rate, 129
inland wetlands losses in, 179
per capita ecological footprint, 14
population growth of, 126–27,
127 f, 128 f
wilderness protection in, 238–39
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 266, 267, 268
U.S. Endangered Species Act, 188, 207–8,
209 b,214, 244, 257
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), 207,
208, 214
U.S. Forest Service (USFS), 223
U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act
of 1972, 257
U.S. National Center for Ecological Analysis
and Synthesis, 171
U.S. national parks, stresses on, 234–35
U.S. Whale Conservation and Protection Act
of 1976, 257
Unreliable science, 34
Upwelling, 64, 170
Urban development and grazing in American
West, 233
Use values, 190, 190f

Van Leeuwenhoek, Antoine, 97
Variables, in controlled experiment, 28, 35
Vaughan, Mace, 54b
Venter, J. Craig, 170
Vertical zones, 170
Vitousek, Peter, 65
Volcanic eruptions, 84
Voyage of the Turtle (Safi na ), 259
Vultures, wild dogs, and rabies, 197b

Wackernagel, Mathis, 14
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 80
Wal-Mart, 265
Warblers, resource partitioning and, 107f
Ward, Barbara, 6
properties of, 67b
Water cycles, 65 –67
Water hyacinth, 252f

Watershed(s), 176
protection of, 271
Watts, Alan, 192
Wave, 42
Wavelength, 42
Weather, 141
Weaver, Warren, 29
Welland Canal, 269
Wetlands, 177–79
disappearing, 265–66
preserving and restoring, 266–68, 266b, 267 f
protecting and sustaining, 265–68
Whales, protection of, 257–59
Whaling, 257–59, 259f
White-tailed deer populations in U.S., 114–15
Wild and Scenic Rivers System, 271
Wilderness, 238
protection of in U.S., 238–39
Wilderness Act of 1964, U.S., 238–39
Wilderness Society, 22b
Wildlife refuges, 208
Wild rivers, 271
Wild species, protection of, 206–11
Wilson, Edward O., 54b, 90 b,184, 186, 188,
192, 211, 271, 272
biomes, climate, and, 140
Win–Win Ecology: How Earth’s Species Can
Survive in the Midst of Human Enterprise
(Rosenzweig), 244
slowing population growth by empowering,
135, 135f
World Conservation Union, 186, 197
World Resources Institute (WRI), 222
World Trade Organization (WTO), 264
World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 14, 262
Worm, Boris, 255

Yellowstone National Park, gray wolves, 214,
235 b, 245
Yosef, Reuven, 261b

Zebra mussel, 269–70, 269f
Zooplankton, 164
Zoos, 209–10
Zooxanthellae, 162
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