How To Sell Yourself

(vip2019) #1
170 How to Sell Yourself

present and in working order and the names and phone numbers
of those responsible for getting them there.

Step 4: Start your meetings on time.

Don’t punish punctuality. Those who’ve dropped or postponed
other business for your meeting shouldn’t have to cool their heels
waiting for stragglers. If they do, they’ll soon get the message.
They’ll begin arriving later, and later, and later.... If you dare to
start your meetings on time, even when some attendees haven’t
arrived, late-comers will become the rare exception, not the rule.

Step 5: Set the right tone.

Arrive early for your own meeting to greet attendees individu-
ally as they arrive, unless your group is too large for this. Then,
open with warm, welcoming comments restating the meeting goals
and use that opportunity to thank everyone for being there.

Step 6: Use an agenda.

Not an overly structured one, just a rough guide to keep the
group moving from one major point to the next. You can distrib-
ute the agenda beforehand—it might help participants prepare—
or provide copies at the meeting.

Keep the group moving. Try to develop transition comments
or links to move the discussion from point A to point B, and on
down the line.

Don’t let irrelevancies get a foothold. Politely remind anyone
who begins to digress to return to the agenda.

Step 7: Encourage participation.

The brightest members of a group are often reluctant to speak
out. Don’t shortchange yourself by ignoring them and hearing only
from the windbags. Try questioning the quiet types directly. “Can
you think of another approach to the problem, Chris?” It could
pay off handsomely.

Step 8: Remember: Our minds live in bodies.

It’s hard to concentrate when we’re uncomfortable. Break up
long meetings for restroom visits, leg-stretching, and refreshments.








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