How To Sell Yourself

(vip2019) #1
Appendix 197

  • Change: “The language capabilities and challenges facing
    every child, including those who are learning English as a
    second language, must be carefully considered as we plan
    experiences and instruction.”
    To: “As we plan, we must carefully consider the language
    capabilities and challenges of every child.”

Use simple, everyday language.

  • Change: “...obviously, however, it is not enough simply to
    set forth a shared vision.”
    To: “...but a shared vision isn’t enough.”

  • Change: “...develop data to demonstrate the correlation
    between laboratory test results and field performance.”
    To: “...test lab results in the real world.”

  • Change: “...accordingly, students need to read and study
    literary texts in a variety of genres, including poetry, short
    stories, novels, plays, essays, and biographies.”
    To: “ students should read and study all kinds of lit-

  • Change: “...throughout the past decade.”
    To: “...for 10 years.”

Use as few words as possible.

  • Change: “Individuals who are competent at communicat-
    ing with others are sensitive to the needs of different audi-
    To: “Good communicators know different audiences have
    different needs.”

  • Change: “visual diagrams.”
    To: “diagrams.”

  • Change: “the positive as well as the negative.”
    To: “the good and the bad.”

Use contractions.

  • Change: “We will not....”
    To: “We won’t....”

  • Change: “That, quite frankly, is tragic.”
    To: “That’s tragic.”

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