How To Sell Yourself

(vip2019) #1
Selling With Confidence 55


Selling With Confidence

C 55 c

THE NUMBER-ONE human fear seems to be speaking before a group,
so it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that public speaking
creates an enormous stress factor for a lot of people. But it’s im-
portant to realize that although stress is a communication killer,
nervousness is an asset.

So the fundamental idea of this chapter is how to turn stress
(bad) into nervous energy (good).

With this skill, you’ll be able to develop the all-important in-
gredient: confidence. It really isn’t a long journey from “I’m going
to make an ass of myself in front of all these people,” to “They
came to hear what I have to say. They want me to succeed. After
all, it’s their time and it’s up to me to make it valuable for them. I
have good information. All I need to do is make it interesting.”

Care about the audience

That frame of mind is a good introduction to converting from
self-consciousness to the confidence that comes from realizing
you are there for the audience, not the other way around. So, the
concentration should be outward—on them—rather than inward—
on you. Then, “Is my hair in place? Am I falling apart? Is my fly
zipped (or is my lipstick smeared)?” becomes, “Get them with
the program. Give them a dynamite opening. Relate to them. Show
them you care about them.” Confidence isn’t cockiness. It isn’t
smugness. It’s the awareness that by being audience-friendly, you’re
selling yourself and you want them to be on your team.

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