On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

American markets, where “yam” means a
sugary orange sweet potato (p. 304). True
yams can grow to 100 lb/50 kg and more, and
in the Pacific islands have been honored with
their own little houses. They appear to have
been cultivated as early as 8000 BCE in Asia.
Many yams contain oxalate crystals just under
the skin, as well as soap-like saponins, which
give a slippery, frothy quality to their juices.
Some varieties contain a toxic alkaloid called
dioscorine that must be removed by grating
and leaching in water. Yam tubers help their
plants survive drought, and they have a longer
pantry life than cassava or taro.

The Carrot Family: Carrots, Parsnips, and Others

Root vegetables in the carrot family share the
family habit of containing distinctive
aromatic molecules, so they’re often used to
lend complexity to stocks, stews, soups, and
other preparations. Carrots and parsnips

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