On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

connotations. The rhizome contains large void
spaces, so cross-sectional slices have a
characteristic lacy pattern. It is crisp and
remains so after cooking, for the same reason
that water chestnuts do. It has a mild aroma
and slight astringency, and discolors rapidly
when cut due to phenolic compounds. Lotus
root is cooked in many different ways, after
an initial peeling (and blanching in the case of
salads), from rapid stir-frying to braising and
candying. Its modest store of starch is also

Oca Oca is the small tuber of a South
American relative of wood sorrel, Oxalis
tuberosa. It is variably starchy or juicy, comes
in a number of anthocyanin-based skin colors,
from yellow to red to purple, and is unusual in
being distinctly tart, thanks to the oxalic acid
typical of the family. In Peru and Bolivia it’s
usually cooked in stews and soups.

Lower Stems and Bulbs:

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