Coming closer to home and the present, I
thank my family for the affection and patient
optimism that have kept me going day after
day: son John and daughter Florence, who
have lived with this book and experimental
dinners for more than half their years, and
enlivened both with their gusto and strong
opinions; my father, Chuck McGee, and
mother, Louise Hammersmith; brother
Michael and sisters Ann and Joan; and Chuck
Hammersmith, Werner Kurz, Richard
Thomas, and Florence Jean and Harold Long.
Throughout these last few trying years, my
wife Sharon Long has been constantly caring
and supportive. I’m deeply grateful to her for
that gift.
Milly Marmur, my onetime publisher,
longtime agent, and now great friend, has
been a source of propulsive energy over the
course of a marathon whose length neither of
us foresaw. I’ve been lucky to enjoy her
warmth, patience, good sense, and her skill at