I thank Patricia Dorfman and Justin Greene
for preparing the illustrations with patience,
skill, and speed, and Ann Hirsch, who
produced the micrograph of a wheat kernel for
this book. I’m happy to be able to include a
few line drawings from the first edition by my
sister Ann, who has been prevented by illness
from contributing to this revision. She was a
wonderful collaborator, and I’ve missed her
sharp eye and good humor very much. I’m
grateful to several food scientists for
permission to share their photographs of food
structure and microstructure: they are H.
Douglas Goff, R. Carl Hoseney, Donald D.
Kasarda, William D. Powrie, and Alastair T.
Pringle. Alexandra Nickerson expertly
compiled some of the most important pages in
this book, the index.
Several chefs have been kind enough to
invite me into their kitchens — or laboratories
— to experience and talk about cooking at its
most ambitious. My thanks to Fritz Blank, to