On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

disperse it evenly in liquid ingredients.

Chilli  Varieties   and Pungencies
Here is a list of common chilli varieties
and their relative pungencies. Pungency is
rated in Scoville units, a measure invented
around 1912 by pharmaceutical chemist
Wilbur Scoville and later adapted to
modern chemical analyses. The original
method involved an overnight alcohol
extraction of the pepper, and then a tasting
of increasing dilutions of the extract until
the pungency is barely detectable. The
more the extract can be diluted, the more
pungent it is, and the higher the Scoville

Chilli  Variety Pungency,   Scoville    Units
Capsicum annuum
Bell 0–600
New Mexican 500–2,500
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