On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

rarity. It’s both somewhat pungent from
gingerol and relatives (paradols, shogaols),
and faintly but pleasantly aromatic, with
woody and evergreen notes (humulone and
caryophyllene). It is a component of the
Moroccan spice mixture ras el hanout, and can
serve as an interesting alternative to black

Mace and Nutmeg Mace and nutmeg have
similar aromas and come from the same
source: the fruit of a tropical Asian tree,
Myristica fragrans, which appears to have
originated in New Guinea. Along with cloves,
nutmeg put the Spice Islands, the Malaccas
that are now part of Indonesia, on the maps of
European sea powers. The Portuguese and
then the Dutch monopolized the nutmeg trade
until the 19th century, when the tree was
successfully planted in the Caribbean and
elsewhere. Nutmeg and mace didn’t make
much of an impression on European foods

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