On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

rounded. Both spices carry fresh, pine,
flowery, and citrus notes, but are dominated
by woody, warm, somewhat peppery
myristicin (also a minor component in fresh
dill). Grated nutmeg includes tannic particles
of the main seed storage tissue, and is also
darker in color than powdered mace. Nutmeg
has generally been put to use in sweets and
dishes based on cream, milk, and eggs; mace
in meat dishes as well as pickles and
ketchups. Their flavors tend to become
unpleasant with prolonged heat, so they’re
often grated over a dish at the last minute.
Nutmeg is reputed to have hallucinogenic
effects if several grated seeds are consumed at
once. Myristicin has been suggested as the
active ingredient, but the evidence is scanty.

Black Pepper and Relatives Black pepper
was one of the first spices to be traded
westward from Asia, and today it remains the
preeminent spice in Europe and North

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