On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1
Triticum    turgidum    (tetraploid):
Emmer (hulled; T. turgidum dicoccum)
Durum (T. turgidum durum)
Khorasan (T. turgidum turanicum)
Polish (T. turgidum polonicum)
Persian (T. turgidum carthlicum)
Triticum turgidum + a goatgrass, Aegilops

Triticum    aestivum(hexaploid):
Common, bread wheat (T. aestivum
Spelt (hulled; T. aestivum spelta)
Club (T. aestivum compactum)

Kamut Kamut is the registered trademark for
an ancient relative of durum wheat, a
subspecies of T. turgidum. The modern
production and commercialization of kamut
(Egyptian for “wheat”) began after World
War II, when seeds said to have been

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