On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

glucans are found mainly in the outer layers
of the endosperm under the aleurone layer,
and so are especially concentrated in oat bran.
Oats also contain a number of phenolic
compounds that have antioxidant activity.

Oat Processing Oats are generally used as
whole grains, also called groats, because
they’re much softer than wheat or corn and
don’t break cleanly into endosperm, germ, and
bran. The first stage in their processing is a
low-temperature “roasting,” which gives the
grain much of its characteristic flavor and
inactivates the fat-splitting enzyme. (This step
also denatures the storage proteins and makes
them less soluble, giving the grain greater
integrity during cooking.) The whole groats
are then processed into various shapes, all of
which have the same nutritional value. Steel-
cut oats are simply whole groats cut into two
to four pieces for faster cooking. Rolled oats
are whole kernels that are steamed to make

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