On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

are still the main producers. The pods are
gathered only after they fall to the ground.
Because they weigh about 5 pounds, they can
be lethal missiles, and harvesters must carry
shields to protect themselves. The edible
portion of the seed is an immensely swollen
embryonic stem. Thanks to their size and high
oil content, two large Brazil nuts are the
caloric equivalent of one egg.
Brazil nuts are notable for containing the
highest levels of selenium of any food.
Selenium helps to prevent the development of
cancer, apparently by several different means,
including an antioxidant enzyme and by
inducing damaged cells to die. However, an
overdose is toxic. The World Health
Organization recommends a maximum daily
selenium intake corresponding to just a half-
oz/14 gm of Brazil nuts.

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