On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1
“Self-rising”   flours  are flours  that    contain

baking powder (1^1 / 2 teaspoons baking powder

per cup flour/5–7 gm per 100 g), and therefore
don’t require added leavening for the making
of quickbreads, pancakes, and other
chemically raised foods. “Instant” or
“instantized” flours (two brand names are
Shake & Blend and Wondra) are low-protein
flours whose starch granules have been
precooked until they gelate, then dried again.
The precooking and drying make it easier for
water to penetrate them again during cooking.
Instant flours are well suited to tender pastries
and last-minute thickening of sauces and

Dough and Batter
Ingredients: Yeasts
and Chemical Leavenings

Leavenings are the ingredients that fill doughs
and batters with bubbles of gas, thus reducing

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