On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

this base (left). As more oil is incorporated,
the mixture becomes thicker and the oil is
broken into smaller droplets (center). When
the sauce is done, as much as 80% of its
volume is occupied by oil droplets, and its
consistency is semisolid (right).

Hot Egg Sauces:
Hollandaise and Béarnaise

The classic hot egg sauces, hollandaise and
béarnaise and their offspring, are egg-
emulsified butter sauces. They are similar to
mayonnaise in many respects, but of course
must be hot to keep the butter fluid. Their
dispersed fat phase is usually a smaller
proportion of the sauce, between one-and two-
thirds of the total volume. Hollandaise and
béarnaise differ mainly in seasoning;
hollandaise is only lightly flavored with
lemon juice, while béarnaise begins with a tart
and aromatic reduction of wine, vinegar,

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