On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

between the sugar maltose and the amino acid
proline. And it begins the process of
clarifying the brew by coagulating large
proteins and causing them to bind with
tannins from the barley hulls, form large
masses, and precipitate out of the solution.
When boiling is finished, the wort is strained,
then cooled and aerated.

OPPOSITE: Making beer. Beer is made in two
basic ways. Ales are fermented in less than a
week at a warm temperature and matured for
days, while lagers are fermented for more
than a week at a cold temperature and
matured for weeks.

Fermentation With boiling, the brewer has
finished transforming the bland barley grain
into a rich, sweet liquid. Now the yeast cells
transform this liquid into beer, which is far
less sweet, but more complex in flavor.
There are two basic methods for
fermenting beer, and they produce distinctive

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