On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

the mash just before pressing. This became
standard industrial practice during the war
years because it greatly increases the yield
from a given quantity of rice. Sugar and
various organic acids can also be added to
these grades. At the other end of the scale,
there are premium versions made with
nothing but rice, water, and microbes,
painstakingly cultured in the traditional way.
The box below gives examples of some kinds
worth seeking out.
Though much sake is drunk warm as
Chinese rice alcohols are, connoisseurs prefer
to chill finer examples. In general, sake is less
tart and more delicately flavored than wine.
Savory amino acids are an important element.
Its aroma varies a great deal depending on
how it was made, and features the
biochemical artistry of the yeasts. Fruity
esters and flowery complex alcohols are
usually prominent.

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