spectacular birds, so different from the run of
the barnyard, touched off a chicken-breeding
craze comparable to the Dutch tulip mania of
the 17th century. During this “hen fever,” as
one observer of the American scene called it,
poultry shows were very popular and hundreds
of new breeds were developed.
Roman Custards, Savory and Sweet
Patina of Soles
Beat and clean the soles and put in patina
[a shallow pan]. Throw in oil, liquamen
[fish sauce], wine. While the dish cooks,
pound and rub pepper, lovage, oregano;
pour in some of the cooking liquid, add
raw eggs, and make into one mass. Pour
over the soles and cook on a slow fire.
When the dish has come together, sprinkle
with pepper and serve.
“Cheese” Patina
Measure out enough milk for your pan,