On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

proteins when heat unfolds them, and the
sulfur reacts with iron in the surface layer of
yolk to form ferrous sulfide. The older the
egg, the more alkaline the white, and the more
rapidly this reaction occurs. High
temperatures and prolonged cooking produce
more ferrous sulfide.
Yolk greening can be minimized by using
fresh eggs, by cooking them as briefly as
possible, and by cooling them rapidly after

Long-Cooked Eggs An intriguing alternative
to the standard hard-cooked egg is the Middle
Eastern hamindas (Hebrew) or beid hamine
(Arabic), which are cooked for anywhere from
6 to 18 hours. They derive from the Sephardic
Sabbath mixed stew (called hamin, from the
Hebrew for “hot”), which was put together on
Friday, cooked slowly in the oven overnight,
and served as a midday Sabbath meal. Eggs
included in the stew shell and all, or

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