word means a plain porridge-like cereal
paste), which is made at the last minute, and
primarily to reinforce soufflés. For a bouillie,
milk, sugar, and flour are heated together to
the boil, removed from the heat, and the eggs
beaten in as the mix cools. Because the egg
proteins are not as thoroughly heated and
coagulated as they are in the technique for
pastry cream, the consistency of a bouillie is
lighter and smoother. Some yolk amylase
enzyme survives in a bouillie, but this doesn’t
matter if the dish is to be made and served
immediately; the enzyme takes hours to digest
a noticeable amount of starch.
However, the survival of yolk amylase can
spell disaster in the fillings for American
cream pies, which are often made in the
fashion of a bouillie rather than a pastry
cream, and are held for hours or days before
serving, enough time for a perfect cream pie
to disintegrate into a soupy mess. No matter
what a recipe may say, always be sure that the