On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1


Early   Recipes for the Omelette    Soufflée
and Soufflé
This 18th century recipe for the omelette
soufflée is an interesting mix of savory and
sweet ingredients, while the timbales are
soufflés reinforced with pastry cream.

Omelette    Soufflée    with    Veal    Kidney
Take a roasted veal kidney, chop with its
fat; put in a casserole and cook for a
moment to break apart. Then off the fire
add a large spoonful of sweet cream and a
dozen egg yolks, whose whites you will
whip; season the mixture with salt, minced
parsley, minced candied lemon peel. Whip
your egg whites into snow, mix with the
rest, and beat well. Then put a piece of
butter in a pan, and when it has melted
pour in your mixture, and cook gently.
Hold a red-hot fire iron above it. Then
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