On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

principle of zabaglione and sabayon sauces.

Medieval    Precursors  of  Zabaglione  and
Our modern Italian and French versions of
foamed egg yolks began in medieval times
as yolk-thickened wine, simply flavored in
France and Italy, highly spiced in England.

Chaudeau    flament (“Flemish   Hot Drink,”
for the Sick)
Set a little water to boil; then beat egg
yolks without the whites, mix them with
white wine and pour gradually into your
water stirring it well to keep it from
setting; add salt when it is off the fire.
Some people add a very little verjuice.
— Taillevent, Le Viandier, ca. 1375

Cawdell Ferry
Take raw yolks of eggs separated from the
whites; then take good wine, and warm it
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