On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

Pâtés and Terrines
Preserved Meats
Dried Meats: Jerky
Salted Meats: Hams, Bacon, Corned Beef
Smoked Meats
Fermented Meats: Cured Sausages
Canned Meats

Of all the foods that we obtain from animals
and plants, meat has always been the most
highly prized. The sources of that prestige lie
deep in human nature. Our primate ancestors
lived almost exclusively on plant foods until 2
million years ago, when the changing African
climate and diminishing vegetation led them
to scavenge animal carcasses. Animal flesh
and fatty bone marrow are more concentrated
sources of food energy and tissue-building
protein than nearly any plant food. They
helped feed the physical enlargement of the

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