On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

throughout history have found this a morally
unacceptable price for our own nourishment
and pleasure. The ethical argument against
eating meat suggests that the same food that
fueled the biological evolution of modern
humans now holds us back from full
humaneness. But the biological and historical
influences on our eating habits have their own
force. However culturally sophisticated we
may be, humans are still omnivorous animals,
and meat is a satisfying and nourishing food,
an integral part of most food traditions.

Meat    Fit and Unfit   for Men and Gods

Outside Troy,   Greek   priests sacrifice   cattle
to Apollo: first they lifted back the heads
of the victims, slit their throats, skinned
them and carved away the meat from the
thighbones and wrapped them in fat, a
double fold sliced clean and topped with
strips of flesh. And the old man burned
these over dried split wood and over the
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