On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

PAH hazard can be minimized by grilling
over wood only when it has been reduced to
coals, by leaving the grill uncovered so that
soot and vapors can dissipate, by avoiding fat
flareups, and by eating smoked meats only

Nitrosamines Nitrosamines are formed when
nitrogen-containing groups on amino acids
and related compounds combine with nitrite, a
chemical that has been used for millennia in
salt-cured meats, and that suppresses the
bacterium that causes botulism (p. 174). This
reaction between amino acids and nitrites
takes place both in our digestive system and
in very hot frying pans. Nitrosamines are
known to be powerful DNA-damaging
chemicals, yet at present there’s no clear
evidence that the nitrites in cured meats
increase the risk of developing cancer. Still,
it’s probably prudent to eat cured meats in
moderation and cook them gently.

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