On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

Muscle Fibers, Tissues,
and Meat Flavor

The main source of meat’s great appeal is its
flavor. Meat flavor has two aspects: what
might be called generic meatiness, and the
special aromas that characterize meats from
different animals. Meatiness is largely
provided by the muscle fibers, character
aromas by the fat tissue.

Muscle Fibers: The Flavor of Action Meaty
flavor is a combination of mouth-filling taste
sensations and a characteristic, rich aroma.
Both arise from the proteins and energy-
generating machinery of the muscle fibers —
after they have been broken down into small
pieces by the muscle’s enzymes and by the
heat of cooking. Some of these pieces —
single amino acids and short chains of them,
sugars, fatty acids, nucleotides, and salts —
are what stimulate the tongue with sweet,

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