herbs also clear out some of the old pockets of stagnant fecal matter that
may harbor viruses, parasites, fungi, and bacteria. Should the bowel be
infl amed, bleeding, and with pockets, this formula can still be used but
with the addition of individually chosen herbs like meadowsweet leaf and
fl ower (Filipendula, not Spiraea), marshmallow root, and slippery elm
inner bark. At fi rst the formula may not quite suit the individual, but
minor changes can be made until it does, such as using stool protectors
and softeners.
Barberry capsules: Once constipation has given way to regular bowel
movements, the bowel is ready to be cleansed in a different way. This
formula is based on Master Herbalist Dr. Christopher’s formula and is
designed more for daily maintenance. Dr. Christopher originally had a
dysfunctional and chronically constipated bowel. He wanted to design
and use a herbal formula, containing no laxatives, that would maintain,
strengthen, and gradually improve his bowel after he had cleansed and
removed most, if not all, of the old fecal matter with strong herbs and
healing clays. Combine this formula separately with psyllium husks,
fl axseeds, and plenty of water on a daily basis.
The herbs he used, which now have more than fi fty years’ use,
- Cascara sagrada bark — used in correct quantity, a gentle peristaltic
tonic - Barberry root bark — a liver and bowel herb
- Cayenne pod — to help circulation and peristalsis
- Fennel seed — alleviates gas and toxicity
- Garlic clove — protects against fungi, viruses, and other microbials
- Gingerroot — warming and circulating
- Licorice root — digestive and tonic
- Lobelia leaf — antispasmodic, relaxing
- Red raspberry leaf — stops bleeding, “feeds” the bowel, provides pro-
tective mucilage - Chinese rhubarb root — gentle, tonic, and laxative
- Turmeric root — assists the immune system and liver
- Wild yam root — a prime digestive (alleviates gas) and liver herb
- Chamomile fl ower — soothing, antimicrobial, reestablishes bowel fl ora
Mix these together and place in capsules (see chapter 3). Many people
use this formula on a daily basis, aside from taking it during a bowel
cleanse, and it is quite safe to do so.
Clay and fl axseed powder: The third herbal formula (by Richard
cleansing and detoxification 91