four-bag enema treats the entire length of the colon, from the anus to the
ascending colon and ileocecal valve, whereas a one-bag enema may well
only fully reach the descending colon. The enema ensures that all traces
of clay and toxins are removed from the body. A herbal practitioner can
select the herbal tincture mixture that best suits your needs. You will need
an enema bag for this procedure.
- Using your specifi cally chosen herbal tinctures, mix 4 teaspoons of
tincture with one and a quarter cups of cider vinegar and two and a
half cups warm springwater. - Ideally, make up four quarts of mixture and keep three quarts warm
in fl asks while you use the fi rst. - The fi rst quart goes into the enema bag. It is advisable to use a pint
of coldish water initially for a few seconds; this contracts the bowel
and makes it easier to “hold” the subsequent warm herb solution. The
bag is hung on a bathroom door hook or some convenient place high
up so that, using gravitational force, it can feed into the bowel. - The bathroom should be warm, with towels placed on the fl oor. Lie
down on your back. Using Vaseline or a lubricating ointment, grease
your anus and the end of the tube. Insert the tube into your anus.
Then turn slowly onto your left side and get comfortable as the liquid
slowly goes in. Stay on your left side and gently massage your abdo-
men, easing all the fl uid in. Relax and breathe, so as to keep the fl uid
in as long as possible. Finally, let it go into the toilet. - If you are doing a high enema, repeat with another quart of fl uid. Lay
on your left side as before and then turn onto your back, encouraging
the fl uid to go into the transverse colon. Massage, breathe, and fi nally
let go. - Continue with the third quart, but this time, after starting on your
left side, move onto your back and then onto your right side; mas-
sage, breathe and fi nally let go. - When using the last bag, repeat all the movements of steps 1 through
6 in the same order, then stand up and massage the area over the il-
eocecal valve (the spot on the right-hand side of your bowel, where
worms and fecal matter often collect). There is sometimes quite a
strong and forceful reaction to massage of this area, so do stay in
close proximity to the toilet! Finally, let it go; you have fi nished. Well
dos (and don’ts) of enemas
- Do use during and after sickness.
96 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition