and even dangerously. Amebiasis and giardiasis (infestation with amoebas
and Giardia lamblia) are two conditions now fully recognized as causing
long-term illness. A book to help understand this complex and far-
reaching subject is Parasites: An Epidemic in Disguise, written and compiled
by Stanley Weinberger.
Specifi c herbs are very powerful and best used with other specifi c
programs, such as bowel cleanses, liver cleanses, and immune support.
Apart from the aforementioned wormwood leaf and black walnut hull,
there are other very powerful herbs: Artemisia annua, well-known for
malaria prevention and treatment as well as being a profound
antiparasitic; and olive leaf, another wonderful and competent
Liver Cleanses
a five-day cleansing and detoxification program
This program involves three days of a purifying food program (using raw
foods) with a two days of juice fast in the middle. It should be undertaken
only after the successful completion of the one-day version described
earlier in the chapter.
Drink at least four quarts of liquid per day during the cleanse (if you
weigh more than 140 pounds, increase this quantity by approximately one
pint per extra 15 pounds). As you drink, keep a note of how much liquid
you’re consuming so that you consume enough before bedtime.
Day One
Breakfast: On rising, drink at least a pint and preferably a quart of
springwater. This is a great way to start your day. The water rinses your
digestive tract and fl ushes out any leftover food or acids.
Within one hour, prepare a liver and gallbladder fl ush: Mix in a
blender one cup of citrus juice singly or as a combination (for instance,
mix the juices of one lemon and one lime and enough orange, grapefruit,
or tangerine juice to make a cup) or apple juice. Then add the juice of two
freshly squeezed lemons and a cup of springwater. Add one or more
cloves of garlic, one or more tablespoons of organic cold-pressed virgin
olive oil, and a^1 ⁄ 2 -inch piece of fresh gingerroot. This mixture sounds
rather strange but, in fact, it tastes like an exotic salad dressing and sits
easily in the stomach. If you need to split up the juice and the water and
the olive oil and garlic, then do so, but consume all within a few moments
of each other. You may also mix in the herbs mentioned below.
You can add 1 teaspoon of a liver formula to this drink or dose it
separately. This formula or one similar would be appropriate: six parts
98 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition