fl ush, use the juice of two lemons or one lemon and one lime, one quart
of springwater, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. You can, if you wish, add
half a teaspoon of kidney herb tincture to the morning drink or take it
separately. Herbs to choose would be similar to (or the same as) this
formula: two parts each of dandelion root, marshmallow root, and
Rehmannia root; and one part each of chickweed leaf, lobelia leaf, ginkgo
leaf, Astragalus root, burdock root, Siberian ginseng root, parsley leaf, and
bearberry leaf. A little maple syrup may be added to taste. Fifteen minutes
after this drink, consume two cups of a tea made from dandelion leaf,
parsley leaf, bearberry leaf, and corn silk. This really gets the kidneys
awake and livened up.
If you are hungry, drink fresh fruit juices and fruit and herb teas until
noon. Do not consume anything for one hour, then begin on vegetables
or vegetable juices, using olive oil dressing with apple cider vinegar,
spices, and herbs. Also have some potassium broth (see under “Kitchen
Basics” in chapter 4); it aids the body in ridding itself of toxins. Eat only
vegetables, salads, vegetable juice, and herb teas until 4:00 p.m. Eat
nothing for one hour before switching back to fruit.
Supper: Eat fresh fruit and drink fruit juices and herb teas.
This program can be followed each day, but it is desirable to
incorporate a day or two of fasting in the middle. For instance, on a fi ve-
day program, stop all solid food after lunch on the second day and stay
with liquids only, including the potassium broth, until suppertime on the
third or fourth day. Then take a little fruit and ease back into eating
vegetables and fruit as before.
Every day, take thirty minutes of energetic exercise in the open air to
get the cardiovascular system stimulated and cultivate positive thoughts.
This is a time to nurture yourself and fi nd out how to make the most of
the food program — don’t plan to do this program in a busy week.
On this program, the kidneys are stimulated and supported and,
though it might seem that they are working overtime, they are relieved of
coping with a heavy, exhausting diet with too much inorganic material and
too little liquid. The adrenals also benefi t. Distilled water, being “empty,”
can carry out of the body a much greater load of inorganic material that
might other wise collect in the kidneys, forming stones and irritation.
Traditionally, the kidneys are the seat of energy in the body, and they are
also associated with the emotion of fear. Purging this negative emotion is
very important and has a radical effect on one’s general outlook on life.
Weight Loss and Weight Gain with Cleanses
Weight is an essential issue for many people. There is no doubt that
under weight and overweight conditions are, like any disease, partly due to
cleansing and detoxification 101