The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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106 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

Emotional effects Wheat

Irritability and muddleheadedness can emerge as
the various allergies manifest from the wheat
Physical effects A relative feeling of relief predominates as the

symptoms slowly subside.

Tips and procedures
to help the detoxifi -
cation process Try sourdough and rye bread, rice, quinoa,

sweet corn, and so on instead of pasta. Read the
information on coffee for extra tips. Use herbs
to help increase digestive powers, including gen-
tian root and licorice root.
Emotional effects Sugar

When sugar is eaten, an instant high will ensue.
However, afterward the level of sugar in the
blood drops, leaving you feeling vulnerable,
weepy, angry, or chaotic, depending on the indi-
vidual. Hyperactivity and poor concentration
can also result.
Physical effects You will probably have low energy. You might

also suffer blackouts if weakness in the pancreas
and spleen is critical.

Tips and procedures
to help the detoxifi -
cation process Read the information on coffee, and use the

applicable suggestions. Always keep blood sugar
as balanced as possible; use licorice tincture or
tea, or chew a licorice stick and sip sweet herb
(Stevia) tea, which is three hundred to five hun-
dred times sweeter than sugar. Chew on bitter
foods to redirect taste and to “strengthen,” such
as dandelion leaf, dandelion coffee, olives, and
chicory coffee. Support nutritionally to provide
plenty of zinc, B vitamins, vitamin C, chro mi um,
calcium, magnesium, and the amino acid L-gluta-
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