120 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition
chemicals present in the blood. Echinacea actually boosts the number of
immune-system fi ghter cells and then stimulates them into action by
mimicking the function of the cell wall, which gives a signal to the body
that an immune response is needed; a group of chemicals called
polysaccharides is responsible for this stimulation. Short-term benefi ts
include the treatment of colds. Echinacea also speeds up recovery from
chronic immune depression illnesses.
The root of the endangered herb goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is a
wonderful immune herb, but it has been overused and often
inappropriately used. Unfortunately, it has been wantonly overcollected
and pillaged in the wild, though cultivated crops are now available. Dr.
Christopher taught me its myriad uses for conditions ranging from eye
problems to typhus, but if used for too long a period, the gut (and B 12
production therein) and kidneys suffer. There is a useful substitute,
barberry (Berberis vulgaris) root bark. Goldenseal and barberry contain
two important chemical constituents, berberine and hydrastine, so can
often be interchanged.
Barberry’s tonic activity on the gallbladder and liver is supremely
effective. Skin diseases are often alleviated, mainly thanks to this
effectiveness on the liver. It makes an excellent tonic for the delicate, the
weak, and children. American herbalist Christopher Hobbs reported that,
when taken intravenously, barberry’s antimicrobial effects are useful
against a wide range of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa — Salmonella typhi,
Candida albicans, Neisseria meningitidis, Chlamydia, and at least fi fteen more
microbes. In fact, its action is much stronger than that of many commonly
used antibiotics. One of its fascinating qualities is that it releases
compounds that trigger an immune response caused by increased blood
supply to the spleen. It also activates macrophages and, in the laboratory,
has been shown to inhibit tumor growth.
Garlic (Allium sativum) is the immune system’s greatest friend. Fresh
garlic, which is a stronger antifungal than nystatin, has been proved to
destroy viral infections such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, herpes
simplex 1 and 2, herpes zoster, viral hepatitis, scarlet fever, and rabies. It
also defeats many types of bacterial illnesses including streptococcus,
staphylococcus, typhoid fever, diphtheria, cholera, bacterial dysentery
(travelers’ diarrhea), tuberculosis, and tetanus. It should be used daily to
keep immune levels balanced. See chapter 4 for further details.
The apple and citrus families: we have a beautiful fruit widely
cultivated in Britian of which it is said, An apple a day keeps the doctor
away. Apples should be organic and eaten whole — pips, core, fl esh, and
skin — or made into fresh apple juice. The apple is a sacred fruit and
should be kept at the forefront of our fruit intake. It is a member of a
particular category of plants that contain nitrilosides, which naturally
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