The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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134 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine. It will also cause poor metabo-
lism of some vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids and will overstimulate
the body, causing paranoia, anxiety, palpitations, hot and cold sweats,
shaking, and lowered blood sugar.

  • defi ciency interferes with the successful breakdown of tryptophan
    and other mood-balancing and mood-enhancing chemicals in the
    brain. Meno pausal symptoms can refl ect this problem but also others,
    including loss of bone density, lack of vaginal secretions, and many

  • appears in great concentration, together with other steroid hor-
    mones, whenever the body is damaged by physical trauma, chemical
    action, or illness. This estrogen surge possibly serves as a stimulus or
    catalyst for cellular growth and body repair.

  • encourages the development of female hormones in pubescent girls.


  • is the precursor of the other sex hormones, estrogen and testosterone.

  • is the predominant hormone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle,
    acting to maintain any fertilized eggs.

  • mainly prepares for and supports pregnancy (in fact, the word proges-
    terone is derived from Latin words meaning “supporting gestation”).
    Without it, spontaneous abortion can take place. It is vital for the
    survival of the embryo and fetus throughout gestation.

  • protects against breast fi brocysts and endometrial and breast cancers.

  • is a natural diuretic and can alleviate a premenstrual bloated feeling.

  • helps use fat for energy: fat is built by estrogen, progesterone works
    to balance this production.

  • is a natural antidepressant — lack of it will bring on apathy, sluggishness,
    and depression. But an excessive amount of progesterone may also
    cause depression, lack of concentration, and weepiness.

  • helps thyroid action and resulting energy levels.

  • normalizes blood clotting. If clots are seen during menstruation, pro-
    gesterone herbs will help.

  • helps normalize blood sugar levels; often premenstrual sugar cravings
    mean that there is too little progesterone available.

  • normalizes zinc and copper levels, which are especially vital for the
    immune system.

  • stimulates bone growth, which is vital for the development of chil-
    dren and to prevent osteoporosis in later life.

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