The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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164 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

where it will encourage and increase the intestine’s vitality.
Self-massage can really help the bowel. Always use circular movements,
starting on your right side at the bottom of the abdomen and moving up
to just below your ribs, across to the other ribs, and down to your
genitals. Use a soft, light touch until you get to know how deeply you can
go. Eventually go as deeply as feels comfortable, stroking and kneading
(like working bread dough). If you ever reach a painful spot, stop and hold
your hand over the pain for a while till it ebbs away. For a relaxing oil,
you could try diluted frankincense essential oil (one-half to one teaspoon
in one cup of base oils). Other essential oils may be recommended for
particular problems, but black pepper and camphor are two others for
general use. You should also practice deep breathing exercises, and yoga
will be of great benefi t, as some of the postures deal directly with internal

The Urinary System

The kidneys constantly regulate, distribute, sort, and fi lter matter.
Without this ability, the body cannot survive for long — it will become
poisoned. To do this job properly, large amounts of water are required in
a body that is itself composed of 70 percent water, at least two quarts a
day to prevent dehydration. The kidneys also maintain the pH balance
within the bloodstream. With an adequate intake of fl uids a more alkaline
state will prevail, which is the base of all good health.
In addition, the kidneys have quite a number of hormonal functions.
They help to process calcium and magnesium. In women, this is done in
connection with estrogen. The kidneys also help produce an enzyme
called renin that is vital for regulating blood pressure. Weak kidneys can
sometimes be the root cause of blood pressure imbalances.


Too little salt can be as harmful to the kidneys as too much is (excessive
sodium causes the body to store too much water). Choose and use a
variety of salts, from rock salt to sea salt. Consume two to four quarts of
water daily, according to your size and body weight. Drinking water, any
water, is vital. Tap water is the least advisable, but even that — with all its
nitrates, chlorine, and so on — is better than no water. Better is bottled
springwater or fi ltered water. Your Body’s Many Cries for Water by F.
Batmanghelidj is an excellent book on the subject (see also chapter 4).
Keep the urinary system healthy via simple supportive and detoxifi cation
methods in order to defl ect cystitis, water retention, and other problems.

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