The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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that contain synthetic hormones. Stop or drastically reduce your tea and
coffee intake, because they disrupt hormone regulation. Eat a generally
diverse, wholesome, and, if possible, organic diet. For more detailed
dietary advice, refer to chapter 4.


American engineer Galen Hieronymus, with Dr. Ruth Drown and others,
collaborated to make a machine that detected what appeared to be the
plant equivalents of the seven human endocrine glands: pineal, thymus,
pituitary, adrenals, thyroid, ovaries, and prostate. Plants are rich in
hormones that, unlike their synthetic counterparts, are subtle in their
interaction with the human body. They can switch on and off, go where
they are needed, and generally act in a responsive way. Plants and trees
need hormones for exactly the same reasons we do, and the wealth of
hormones found in plant life is incredible and highly effective for its
varying properties and usage. Whether for tempering adolescence,
balancing menstruation, aiding fertility, helping menopause, supporting
the pros tate, or balancing an estrogen dominance in the case of some
cancers, plants contain the rainbow of hormones and hormone precursors
necessary. They are known as phytosterols and can be used by human
recipients as building blocks for their own hormones. Between four
thousand and fi ve thousand plant species are believed to contain
hormones. Among them, sarsaparilla root, chaste tree berry, dong quai
root, and saw palmetto berry are just four herbs commonly used to tone,
regulate, and balance the endocrine system in men and women.

natural healing

To keep both male and female reproductive systems healthy, we must eat
well, exercise, be happy, and breathe properly. Deep breathing stimulates
vital hormone secretions, while sitz baths encourage an increase in
circulation to the womb, ovaries, or prostate. Take hot and cold showers, as
they will benefi t the entire endocrine system. Massage with geranium and
ylang-ylang essential oils diluted in a suitable base oil. (For more general
information, see chapter 8.) Colon, liver, and kidney cleanses will all be
benefi cial (see chapter 6).

The Thyroid

The thyroid is part of the endocrine system and is found in the front of
the neck, on both sides of the Adam’s apple. Its main job is to produce the
hormones thyroxine T4 (75 percent) and L-thyronine T3 (25 percent),
but it also stores iodine, and should the correctly balanced amounts

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