The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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berry, will indirectly and directly support the thyroid.

natural healing

Castor-oil packs (see chapter 3) placed over the thyroid can help to
regulate its function. Hot and cold showers will encourage circulation to
the area. Exercise and practice deep breathing. You will need to cleanse
the colon, liver, and kidneys (see chapter 6).

The Spleen

The health of the spleen relies on good stomach and pancreatic balance
because it is part of the supporting tissue of the stomach (see the section
on the pancreas, above in this chapter). This supporting role means that
the spleen plays a valuable part in the digestive function. In Chinese
medicine, the spleen and liver have a special relationship — again related
to digestion. Many traditional models of medicine place the main
emphasis on its digestive function, its job being to extract nutrition and,
therefore, energy from food. The spleen transforms our food, changing
the impure to the pure. It is also a major component of the immune
system, so when the role of the spleen is hampered, its immune function
becomes restrained. It loses its force, and this impairment is often
accompanied by chronic fatigue. Digestion also becomes badly affected.
You may experience pain upon eating, bloating, gas, constipation or
diarrhea, and weight loss. Support of the entire endocrine system is vital.


Seaweeds, vegetable juices, and superfood made up as energy drinks are
ideal, as they require very little digestion. A few examples are algae, wheat
grass, and kelp. Otherwise, use foods for the pancreas, as stated. Slow
cooking of foods helps aid digestion. Excessive worry or obsessive
behavior can overburden the digestive process.
Note: For those who are chronically ill, such as those suffering from
cancer, an excess of raw foods — which are usually vital for the healing
process — can produce a defi ciency in the spleen and hamper the immune
system. Therefore let the practitioner keep an eye the behavior of the
spleen — an acupuncturist can do this by feeling the pulse.


Those herbs that are supportive to the pancreas are also appropriate here,
along with herbs like echinacea root (as long as autoimmune problems are

170 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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