physically at any time there is stress or strong emotion — or indeed
coughs and asthma. (For more on breathing, see chapter 5.)
Whatever age you are, when threatened, your breathing may become
rapid, uneven, shallow, and jerky, and when panic takes over breathing can
collapse altogether. A reaction to emotion — any emotion, good or
bad — generally tends to be breathing that is shallower and higher in the
chest. Negative emotion usually creates an added restriction in the belly
area and even a temporary paralysis of the air sacs in the lungs, creating a
kind of physical and emotional suffocation. Relaxed breathing and a calm
feeling always come from the belly. Laughter comes from the belly and is
one of the most potent lung healers of all.
In Chinese medicine the lungs are said to be the female side of a
partnership with the male colon. As with everything in this universe,
upset one side of a partnership, and the other will be in imbalance. If the
lungs are not working well, the colon will falter, and constipation,
diarrhea, and other symptoms can easily develop.
Avoid dairy and wheat products if you have respiratory problems; the
excessive mucus production caused in your body when these are eaten
will clog and inhibit proper lung, sinus, and other related mucous
membrane function. Nutritional defi ciencies also affect the respiratory
system; low hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach and a lack of zinc and
magnesium are often found in people who suffer from respiratory
diseases, so eat cabbage and garlic. Garlic should be eaten on a daily basis
to create and then maintain digestive equilibrium. Other important
nutrients that will assist respiration are those for immune-system function
and include selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin A.
Lobelia is a key herb to help alleviate and relax overburdened lung
function. Known as the lung herb, lobelia helps release mucus congestion,
and relaxes and opens the tiny air sacs of the lungs, making it easier to
replenish oxygen. An overdose, however, will make you vomit. Ancient
laws have victimized this plant and modern governing laws still restrict its
access and dose, but if used sensibly, it is a wonderful and very useful
plant. Seek advice from a herbal practitioner. Other useful herbs include
horehound leaf and fl ower, garlic, raw chiles, horseradish root, and
mustard seed.
natural healing
Adopt and practice a program of belly breathing (see chapter 5). Exercise
and try hot and cold showers, which are essential for circulation and lung
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