The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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other nerve stimulants used among traditional peoples around the world.
Cayenne pepper, as well as being a nerve stimulant, will aid circulation and
blood supply. So we have many choices. Among the safest are rosemary leaf
and flower, peppermint leaf, and cayenne pod, but for stimulating yet calm-
ing effects, rosemary is the best. Other fine nerve stimulants are oat seed
and straw, and skullcap leaf. Whenever you use nerve stimulants, you must
also take in a lot of B vitamins to replace those that the nerve stimulation
uses. (Food wise, blue-green algae is an excellent nerve stimulant.) This whole
category of nerve-stimulant herbs is useful in treating addiction to neuro-
stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines.

Lobelia (Lobelia inflata): The Peacemaker

Lobelia fi ts into all of the above-mentioned categories and was
traditionally smoked in the peace pipe by Native Americans. Herbalist Dr.
Christopher called it the peacemaker of all formulas and the “thinking
herb,” thanks to its amphoteric action. He put it into almost every
formula for two very good reasons: fi rst, so that all the other herbs in the
formulas could be directed to where they were most needed, and second,
because usually when people are sick for whatever reason, their nervous
systems need equilibrium. I have personally seen lobelia deal with a wide
number of situations; I try to never be without it, having seen it work
more quickly and effectively than the drug Neurofen for chronic
menstrual cramps and for calming and supporting those coming off
antidepressants, as well as in many more instances. Just a few drops of
tincture go a very long way. It can also be combined with valerian and
cramp bark for an all-around cramp and pain relief remedy for adults
only: four parts valerian root, three parts cramp bark, and one part lobelia
leaf; take one to two teaspoons two to three times a day.

natural healing

Rest is vitally important for the nervous system, and it comes best of all in
the form of sleep. Going to bed early enough improves the quality of
sleep; indeed, sleep taken between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.
is actually reckoned to double its value in terms of quality. Meditation will
repair, calm, and bring peace to the day, so give this simple practice daily
time if you can. Just sitting under a tree concentrating on or being aware
of your breathing for ten minutes has a tremendous impact. Those who
travel, work, and generally lead a high-intensity life need to guard their
resources and avoid burning the candle at both ends; catnapping can help.
For those with insomnia, it is important to use hydrotherapy and other
natural healing routines, including internal cleansing, in order to

182 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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