The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

(singke) #1

Touching your own and other people’s skin can be a truly sensuous
experience; there’s nothing more gorgeous, for instance, than a baby’s
skin. We touch, feel, and exchange both emotionally and physically,
sharing our feelings, thoughts, and love through our skin. This emotional
connection can be seen even more clearly when we note that, as fetuses,
our skin develops from nervous tissue cells. Skin diseases can be the result
of internal, emotional upset, and accordingly, a loving touch can heal and
mend like nothing else.


Avoid foods that are not typically digested effi ciently, or that you know
you are allergic to, such as dairy and wheat products. Reactions to foods
can be refl ected through the health of your skin, so keep an eye on your
food intake and observe your skin’s reactions. Skin needs essential fatty
acids and water in order to maintain its good health, visually and


Many herbs are useful, but those that clear the blood and lymph systems
will be of particular value. Blood cleansers (alteratives) are red clover
fl ower and burdock root, while lymph-system herbs (lymphatics) like
mullein fl ower and the much stronger pokeweed root will clear
obstructions. Anti microbial herbs such as chamomile fl ower and echinacea
root will help rebalance any microorganism overgrowth. Diaphoretic and
sudorifi c herbs will help you sweat; for instance, yarrow leaf and fl ower
induce perspiration and cleanse directly through the skin.

natural healing

Never use chemical deodorants; they clog the skin and destroy natural
bacteria. Use essential oil–based products and wash frequently. Try crystal
stones (available in health-food stores) as deodorants.
Make sure all the eliminative organs are working, so that the skin is
not burdened. Explore colon, liver, and kidney cleanses — refer to chapter
Avoid conventional detergents, cleaning equipment, dishwashing
liquid, and so on. Instead, research ecofriendly and body-friendly products.
Propyl alcohol, PCBs, and other toxic ingredients should not be used in
your household and bathroom cleaners.
Do not wear manmade fi bers. The skin needs to breathe, and nylon
and other synthetic fi bers create temperature extremes, putting undue

184 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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