The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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214 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

  • Cut down on or cut out meat, especially red meat. Use vegetable
    protein sources instead (see chapter 4). Avoid milk and cheese.

  • Drinks containing nettle leaf and hibiscus fl ower are invaluable, giv-
    ing almost instantaneous energy (they are high in chromium, the
    blood sugar mineral) and providing good nourishment between
    meals. Additionally, drink superfood.

  • Zinc levels must be maintained. Pumpkin seeds as well as alfalfa seeds
    and sprouted alfalfa are excellent sources of zinc.

  • All vegetables, raw and steamed, are helpful, particularly those that
    are opposite to sweet in taste, namely, sour and bitter ones like like
    chicory, dandelion leaves, artichokes, and olives.

(^) ~ Ideally, individual patients should seek more detailed advice from
their own health practitioners, in order to address their particular
needs, be they overweight or underweight, or have any other specifi c
important traits.
f Fenugreek seed and burdock root both contain a substance called
inulin that is very close to insulin. Make strong teas (decoctions
which are simmered for twenty minutes) using three parts fenugreek
seed and one part burdock root; drink 1 to 3 cups daily.
f Meadowsweet leaf tea or tincture will balance and heal digestive
f Individual herbal advice should be sought, but herbs like dandelion
root, fenugreek seed (one month on, one month off ), Siberian gin-
seng root, garlic, cayenne pepper, juniper berry, wild yam root, bur-
dock root, and barberry root bark all help balance insulin levels.
Numerous other herbs are capable of benefi cially activating the pan-
creas. Cascara sagrada aged bark is one example and has long been
recognized by conventional medicine as being highly useful. All en-
docrine herbs will be invaluable and individual tailoring by a profes-
sional for the recipient will be required.
~ Liver and colon cleanses and herbs will be necessary (see chapter 6).
~ Take alternating hot and cold showers.
~ Use juniper essential oil in bathwater or added to a massage oil.
~ If the pancreas is swollen, try hot castor-oil packs (see chapter 3).
~ Stress and shock (both in the past and in the present) are an emo-
tional factor infl uencing diabetes, and such situations should be
avoided, even if major lifestyle changes are necessary. Work on enjoy-
able exercise, relaxation, and meditation.
diseases 214

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