The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 229

ginkgo leaf, motherwort leaf, and cayenne pod. They can be used in
tincture form if capsules are unsuitable.

f Herbs to calm and relax would be skullcap leaf, black cohosh root, oat
straw, passionfl ower, gotu kola herb, lobelia pod, and, in the short
term, valerian root.

f A nutritional herbal drink would be equal parts of alfalfa leaf, red
clover fl ower, and nettle leaf tea.

~ Cleanses and hot and cold showers will be vital.

~ Exercise, but pace yourself. You will need expert help and guidance,
because overdoing it could be dangerous. Taking no exercise at all,
however, could be equally dangerous. You need to fi nd the correct
middle way for your own needs. Start with gentle walking interspersed
with frequent rests, making sure that you have someone else with you
in case any problems arise. Increase as your heart and chest pains al-
low. You could eventually walk alone, but always let someone know
you’re out and roughly how long you intend to be. Eventually, cy-
cling and a wider variety of exercise may be possible.

hemorrhoids (piles) and anal fissure

Hemorrhoids are ballooning fl aps of skin in the rectum or anus that are
very painful, usually more so when passing a bowel movement, as they are
irritated by the pressure. An anal fi ssure forms when weakened and
stretched tissue has split, remaining as a wound that is constantly sore and
diffi cult to heal. With hemorrhoids (or piles) it’s important to consider
the state of the whole digestive system, including constipation, diarrhea,
bowel irritability, and liver function, which is often found to be faulty in
this situation.

  • Drink plenty of water, and eat fi ber in the form of fruit and vegetables.
    f Aloe vera juice and meadowsweet leaf and fl ower tea will be two basic
    herbs to start with.

~ Use a mixture of black walnut hull, a little oak bark, and some yarrow
leaf; marshmallow root to soothe; myrrh resin to disinfect; a touch of
cayenne pepper in case of bleeding; and some Chinese rhubarb root
as an all-round bowel balancer. Make this combination into an oint-
ment using a base of olive oil and coconut butter, along with benzoin
essential oil and witch hazel essential oil. Use the ointment very fre-
quently, before and after bowel movements and in between if possible.
The same herbs can be mixed as powders. Add equal parts to capsules
and take daily. Pure or diluted witch hazel can help for quick relief.

~ A slant-board treatment will be useful (see chapter 5).

229 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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