The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 243

If you have white or transparent mucus, then you may feel more cold
and shivery and need extra heat and energy:

  • Use fewer fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Take plenty of horseradish,
    baked onions, and grated ginger in dishes, and drink ginger tea.

~ Massage with marjoram, rosemary, and black pepper essential oils, or
use them in the bath.
For any kind of mucus and blocked nose, sinus, or chest:

  • Use the Ayurvedic method^ —^ chew twelve raw peppercorns.
    f Plantain leaves, elder fl owers and berries, edible lichens, nettle leaves,
    yarrow leaf, and pine needles can all be made into teas.

f Take some garlic syrup and elder fl ower and elderberry syrup.

f Lobelia leaf is a prime lung herb. A tremendous antispasmodic and
expectorant, it is very useful for asthmatics who can learn to use it
instead of prescription inhalers for calming and assisting breathing,
as well as for bringing up excessive phlegm. A few drops at a time are
generally adequate.

~ Make sure your bowels are working properly; any bowel disorders
will affect the proper working of the lungs.

~ Exercise helps the lungs. Horseback riding encourages the diaphragm
to push strongly up and down, particularly when galloping. Go cycling,
swimming, running, and dancing. Strong emotions like apprehension
and fear, which affect breathing, can be physically dissipated with
these simple pleasures. An exception is when the air is heavily pol-
luted; exercise should be avoided at such times.

~ Take hot and cold showers. Direct the spray onto the chest and back,
from the shoulders to the waist. If you are frail or weak, make sure
this treatment is done under expert supervision. But if you have the
go-ahead and adequate help, it is a great lung strengthener, and can
help turn a chronic condition right around.

~ Inhale a variety of essential oils, such as eucalyptus, lime, pine, lemon,
fennel, or cubeb. If you fi nd yourself coughing, take a break and try
again in a few moments, or try leaving out the eucalyptus, which can
over-exacerbate. The same oils can also be added to the bath or
sprinkled onto handkerchiefs, pillows, sheets, and sleepwear. When
lying down, the whole body becomes more clogged and congested,
and these essential oils can work well at this time.

~ Massage your chest. Your lungs practically touch your collarbone, so
massage up to your shoulders and down to the bottom of your rib
cage; and don’t forget that both your back and front house your

243 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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